Thursday, June 28, 2012


Thus the laden king removed his heavy sword and laid it upon the ground celebrating his off-kilter victory against the hordes that tried to lay waste upon his kingdom, the kingdom of Starla. Ah, but see my child, you think this is great; you think this was meant to be. Well, do not be fooled. This king is no savior, no hero, and no man who’s willing to fight for his people with his own sword. This man is crazy, devilish, disparate from the legions and generations of kings in the land before and most likely after his reign. See, this king was cast off, exiled to a faraway land deep within the bowels of vast jungles and cavernous pits. He and his “officials” men who were little more than “yes men” and bullies who’d collect taxes from those who had already paid with means of swords, maces, rape, and any other form of torture saved specifically for those insubordinate. Who am I kidding? These men tortured all of those who were in distance, for no reason but amusement. His personal army was a thousand strong and his advisers were a score in number, while his concubines and filthy whores nearly tripled that number. You often wonder how a group of rebels ever managed to remove such a large force and send them away. Well it was done nonetheless and now I pray for their lives. This man, this thing, for he is far removed from a man, managed to escape his turmoil and has started his conquests to reclaim the kingdom which was his. Well our story starts well after his exile, after his escape, well after his journey back, but let it be known, this man and his army has grown ten-fold as for all of his evils he one thing, a charismatic speaker, no matter the situation, he could convince a rich man to part with all of his possessions and convince a blind man that he can see. Oh, Starla be ye ready for the test which will be upon you. Make bordering kingdoms your allies, build your armies, fortify your walls; the upcoming months will be trying ones and let no man question your mettle in the face of bloodshed. Thus our story begins…..

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